Let Us Pray No. 11

  • January 11, 2017

“And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” 1 John 5:15

Abba, our Most High God, our Father, you lavished us with your Agape love that you chose us to become your children and heirs to the unsearchable riches in heaven. Your Holy Spirit that dwells in us guarantees that we are your beloved who can have fellowship with you, just as children come to their fathers, that we can say Abba, Father!

We believe in you, Father, you who created all things and who controls all things in the palm of your hands. You are a sovereign God who is holy, wise, just and full of grace. We come in prayer with repentant souls, asking for your forgiveness. We fully know that you do not hear the prayers of the sinners, and those who backslide, whose iniquities have separated them from your face that you will not hear their prayers. Abba, Father, please give us a renewed spirit that we may be obedient to your will. In this way we can be confident that as obedient children, we can come to you and you will hear us and grant us our requests. We are confident that you care for all of us and that all your plans are for our goodness and prosperity. You do arrange all things to come together for our goodness. We pray that when we receive your blessings today, we also reflect your goodness that others may benefit from us. May they see you in our lives that they may be led to you in praise and worship. Today, I will honor you in midst all the people that I will be with. Amen.

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