FP No. 15

  • January 15, 2016

Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil? And still he holds fast to his integrity, although you incited Me against him, to destroy him without cause”.

Job 2:3 NKJV
Job should be our model of faithfulness. In spite of the many temptations Satan has given Him, he was able to maintain his faithfulness before God. What characterized Job? Notice first that it is God who approved of his character to Satan, the Tempter and Accuser of the Saints. Job went through great sufferings and loss of all that he enjoys in life. He lost all his properties and was left out with nothing to provide for himself and his family. He lost his children in a tragic way when a hurricane struck their house and killed all his seven sons and three daughters. He was also afflicted with a disease which made him suffer severely. In effect he lost everything, even his wife who was supposed to strengthen Job. Instead, she wanted Job to abandon God. What Job did was to praise and worship God instead. God said he was blameless and upright, God fearing and loyal to Him.
We should also be like Job. In God’s eyes, he was blameless or perfect. To be perfect is to be complete, whole or matured. (1) We should be perfect before God. Though, we sin, for all have sinned and fell short of the glory of God, we should reach perfection. God’s standard is what we can do most. We can be excellent by serving Him and following Him the best that we can. (2) We should be upright in our way of life. We decide correctly, righteously and do or act on them the same way. So let us be righteous in every way. (3) We should fear God or revere God. Put Him first in our priorities. God will not be pleased if we put Him second best. If we do that, we gain wisdom. We shall have knowledge and understanding of His will. Fear is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. (4) Likewise, we should be faithful to Him no matter what. In all and every situation, let us keep our faith and loyalty to Him by being obedient to His will. See yourself as perfect like Job and you will develop his godly character. Finally, he was rewarded twice as mush as what he lost. His end was greater than his beginning. So will we be if we become like Job.

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