Power Point No. 325

  • November 21, 2018

How I wish that you had obeyed my commands! Your success and good fortune would then have overflowed like a flooding river. (Isaiah 48:18 CEV)

Who knows best, how we can be successful and prosperous, than our Maker? Even we do not know because we lack the ability to foresee the future and to control the circumstances surrounding us. Usually, what we do on our own leads to our misfortunes because our flesh dictates what we do, which, most of the time, is influenced by the devil. Know that the devil does not desire for us to succeed. Instead, he wants us to fail. God, however, wishes for us all the good things. Remember that before Adam and Eve were created, He prepared our dwelling place. All of creation were “excellent”. Truly, God knows best. First, He has the wisdom of what is best. He is powerful that He controls everything that is happening in all of creation. He can see the future because He plans it. No one can contradict nor prevent what He wants. He knows each one of us: our strengths and weaknesses, etc. Even our hearts, souls, minds, and bodies are known to Him. He obliged Himself to lead us to prosperity and success. What we need to do is to hear His commands, known by our souls, and OBEY Him. Submit ourselves to His will. If we do, we shall be planted in His House, the Church, to flourish and be like a tree near a stream of living waters ever fruitful and fresh. Brethren, do not lose the chance of a lifetime of happiness. Be holy and be happy.

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