Power Point No. 263

  • September 20, 2018

Then everyone will see the saving power of God. (Luke 3:6 CEV)

God has intended for us Christians to perfectly unite with each other. We are called to be members of His Church, the Most Holy. The Church is His mystical body and as members, we are taught and equipped to minister or serve Him according to His good pleasure. Our main task is to propagate the faith, evangelize everyone, and bring them to the fold. By doing so, we proclaim that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. We glorify His precious name for all mankind to come and see the power of God in saving sinners who are captives of Satan. Through our unified effort – with one voice, one spirit, one purpose, and one faith in spreading the words of God – those who are called will believe and be baptized in the name of Christ through the Most Holy Church. Let us continue to share the good news of God’s grace and love. Every member of the Church is commanded to speak for Christ and preach the Gospel, which is the power of God for the salvation of men. Brethren, SPEAK, SHOW, AND SAVE!

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