You then, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. (2Timothy 2:1 NKJV)
As a good soldier of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are sent to a mission with Him: to proclaim the message of the cross, which is the love of God that saves those who believe. In the mission field, we are like sheep in the midst of wolves. But we need not worry because He is with us. He endowed us with great power, love, sound minds, and self-control to fight a good fight of faith for our sake and for those whom the Lord wants to deliver from the bondage of Satan. For as long as we are in Christ, we are safe. We know that we can overcome all challenges and obstacles along the way. With the Spirit of power from our Lord, we can free the unbelievers from Satan and bring them all to Jesus Christ, our Lord, so they may find spiritual comfort, peace, and joy in His presence. Let us go on as Christian Soldiers. Keep marching on to the Mission field and deliver souls for the glory of God.