Power Point No. 21

  • January 21, 2018

I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born. Israel, don’t be terrified! You are my chosen servant, my very favorite. (Isaiah 44:2 CEV)

God owns us. He created us and made us His special people. Because He created us, He is responsible for our welfare. He obligated Himself as owner of the Church and His children, to care for us and look after us. Thus, He provides for our needs, delivers and saves us from harm, and strengthens and establishes us to grow and increase as His spiritual nation. His plans are always for our own good. We should all be confident and trusting in God who loves us the most. God’s love takes away our fear for we know that we are safe in God’s hands. His mighty hands are above us covering us during our lifelong journey.

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