Power Point No. 201

  • July 20, 2018

Say to God, How awesome and fearfully glorious are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power shall Your enemies submit themselves to You [with feigned and reluctant obedience. (Psalms 66:3 AMP)

Let us see the works of God. Meditate on His super power shown from His works. Let us also realize His wisdom in all His will. There is no God like the Most High God. He is great in power and wisdom and glorious in His holiness. Let our lips praise Him. Lift up our spirit to Him and tell Him, “What a wonderful God You are, Oh Lord!” Let us bow our heads in total submission to His power with reverential fear. Those who oppose Him will surely surrender themselves whether they like it or not. They will not be able stand the power of the Almighty. It will compel them to obey Him. Otherwise, they will perish and be totally destroyed in eternal fire. If they make peace with God, they will experience His righteous rule until they sincerely accept Him as their Ruler, Savior, and God. Let your voice be heard along with the brethren in solemn praise to our God Most High.

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