Build up your strength in union with the Lord and by means of his mighty power. (Ephesians 6:10 GNB)
God made us from the dust of the earth. We are nothing. We are weak. But even if we are nothing and weak, we become something and powerful when we are in the hands of the Almighty God. Our strength comes from the Lord. We are victors only because of Him. To be strong is to stand on the Strong Rock which is Christ. We stand firm on this rock through our most holy faith. Because of the gift of faith, we are in unity with God. This means, we do His will, obey His commands, serve Him, and love Him faithfully. It means we walk according to the gospel of Christ, living holy and upright. The Holy Spirit dwells in us and therefore, He who is all powerful is working in us. We can say with all truthfulness, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”