His Spirit gave them rest, just as cattle find rest when led into a valley. The name of the LORD was praised for doing these things. (Isaiah 63:14 CEV)
The Lord came to bring comfort to the poor, give sight to the blind, strength to the lame, and healing to the sick. Many believed Him and accepted His offer of taking His yoke instead of the yoke of the world, which is sin. When He went back to heaven, He promised to send His Spirit to His Saints. He is with us today, in the midst of the Church. When we all agree or unite, He is with us. The Lord is our Shepherd, we shall not want. He feeds us in green pastures, to refresh us pristine waters to drink and protect us from wolves and dangerous places. He cares for us. He gives our soul, body and mind the needed rest from this tiring world. The green pasture is in Zion β in His Church. Enjoy the comfort and eat β our food is our ministries. Drink the water that refreshes and rejuvenates us β it is His words, the living water of life.