Here is what the LORD has said for all the earth to hear: “Soon I will come to save the city of Zion, and to reward you. (Isaiah 62:11 CEV)
Our Redeemer came to the world the first time. He has a great purpose: saving man. He knew exactly how He will do it. He gave Himself and died on the cross. He shed His precious blood as ransom for many who accepted and believed in Him. He built His Most Holy Church as an instrument to destroy Satan and propagate His Words, so that sinners may know the truth and be saved. Soon, He will come the second time. He will save His Church. He will reward the Saints for the works they have done for Him. He will come with great power to subdue the anti-Christ and rule the earth. He will give us what He promised. We will reign with Him for a thousand year and we will be with Him in heaven for eternity. Brethren, let us walk worthy of His rewards – the Crown of Righteousness and the Crown of Everlasting Life.