Power Point No. 56

  • February 25, 2018

To the LORD, all nations are merely a drop in a bucket or dust on balance scales; all of the islands are but a handful of sand. (Isaiah 40:15 CEV)

Know that the greatness of God is infinite. We consider USA, Great Britain, or even Germany, as great and powerful nations; China, due to its vast territorial lands and military might; or, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates to be great due to their strong economy. Even if we gather all nations, still they are nil compared to the greatness and power of God. They are but a trickle of water in a bucket and dust on a weighing scale. They are nothing compared to God’s immense being. Brethren, we are nothing compared to God’s power and being. He saw us and made us important. Let us humble ourselves in worship and thanksgiving to the great God.

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