Power Point No. 294

  • October 21, 2018

You will give us peace, LORD, because everything we have done was by your power. (Isaiah 26:12 CEV)

“Seek peace and pursue it.” Peace with God is doing His will. Sin separates us from God. He will not approve of us if we transgress from His commands. Peace with all men is sometimes difficult to achieve. Even if you do well, some may still not be pleased. In fact, we may experience opposition and persecution because we do what is right in the eyes of the Lord. Peace is in our hearts and in our minds: having clean conscience and being secured of God’s approval in what we do and live by. If we do what God wanted us to do, then we know that God is with us and His power is enables us to do them. If we are with God, no one can harm us. Keep the peace in our hearts and in our minds and do not be bothered by the world.

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