Praise the Lord! To our God belongs the glorious saving power. (Revelations 19:1 CEV)
Give God what is RIGHT AND NOT WHAT IS LEFT! If you worship Him, do it in spirit and in truth. Worshipping Him in spirit means we submit our soul, our whole self, in praise of Him. Worship Him in truth, without pretension, sincerely and really believing He is the only God worthy of praise. Offer Him the sacrifice of thanksgiving which is pleasing to Him. Beloved brethren, let us unite, assemble ourselves together in His name and give God what is due to Him: our Most Sacred Worship Service and nothing less. In all humility, pray that we be cleansed in all our filthiness of sins and restore in us the righteous spirit, a proper attitude in approaching Him for our ministry of praise and adoration. He is looking for true worshippers, those who have the faith. Present, therefore, ourselves to Him. Rise up and be counted as one worthy of the blessings brought about by the power of His saving Agape.