“Let us go to the LORD’s house; let us worship before his throne.” (Psalms 132:7 GNB)
The first order of the day for every member of the Most Holy Church of God in Christ Jesus is to worship the Lord and every day ends in the same manner, in giving thanks to Him who saved and blessed us the whole day. This is done privately or with other believers such as our family. Besides our duty to privately worship Him, we are also obliged to faithfully, willingly, and dutifully worship Him publicly in fellowship with our brothers and sisters in the faith. Those who neglect his/her duty to go to Church for worship does not really believe in Christ. She/he does not trust Him nor really know Him. If one says he/she loves Christ and believes that He is the One True God, he/she has to prove it by submitting him/herself to God through religious worship and adoration. We have to humbly bow our heads and approach His throne of mercy in acknowledging His lordship over us. Those who kneel before the mercy seat of Christ are the ones who stand righteous before Him.