Power Point No. 231

  • August 19, 2018

“Cheer up! Don’t be afraid. Your God is coming to punish your enemies. God will take revenge on them and rescue you.” (Isaiah 35:4 CEV)

Every day we are in battle. Satan and his cohorts are coming to get us, to steal our faith, destroy our hope, and kill us by his lies. We should fight a good fight of faith. Hold on to it. Never neglect it nor let it die. A gift from God, our faith should be of immense importance to us. With it, we can do the impossible. Without it, we cannot be pleasing to God. Why did God accept the burnt offering of Abel and reject that of Cain? Abel offered his in true worship, with faith. How did Abraham found favor in God’s eyes? He has proven his faith to the point of offering his beloved son when tested by God. Where is your faith? God is looking for perfect faith on earth. Perfect faith stands the tests of time. Is your faith perfect? Reach for its perfection. For faith to grow, it should be alive. Faith without works is dead – the Bible call it Satan’s kind of faith. Show your faith to God, today.

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