Power Point No. 229

  • August 17, 2018

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, on the man who has committed such a deed. When you and my own spirit are met together with the power of our Lord Jesus. (1 Corinthians 5:4 AMP)

We all have committed ourselves in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our services include, first and foremost, worshipping Him as the one true God who created all things and who came in the flesh to deliver us through His offering of Himself: His blood for the remission for our sins. In addition, as a Church, we have to serve as faithful instruments by doing His saving work of seeking the lost and saving the sinners. The saving grace of God in the flesh proved His unconditional covenant of love for us. Under the Covenant of Agape, we have to faithfully love Him in one spirit, heart and mind. Furthermore, we, as children of God, as His people, and as His body, have to love each one of us with the same, equal love as He loved us. It is His intention to give us peace, happiness, prosperity and victory through His love and the love of each one of us. In unity we serve, love and triumph in Christ. That is the power of love, unity and obedience to God. Be victorious!

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