Power Point No. 228

  • August 16, 2018

For in him you have been enriched in every way–in all your speaking and in all your knowledge. (1 Corinthians 1:5 NIV)

Is your faith important to you? How do you keep your faith? Do you practice it? Are you growing in faith? Brothers and Sisters, faith is a gift from God. Not everyone has been given the faith you and I have. It is a saving faith. It can deliver us from evil in this life. Most importantly, it can save us from hell. With the gift of faith comes the promise of all blessings that God our Father has stored for us. Though we are poor, we are chosen to be rich in faith and heirs of His Kingdom. Keep the faith and do not regress. Instead, practice it so that it will grow to become perfect and most holy. Do everything in faith. Worship God faithfully. Pray, contribute your talent, time, money, and your resources for the works that glorify God. Remember that when you grow in faith, you also grow in hope and primarily, you grow in love with God.

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