Power Point No. 226

  • August 14, 2018

And men shall speak of the power of Thine awesome acts; and I will tell of Thy greatness. (Psalms 146:6 NAS77)

Have a little more patience. Give a little more time. Keep the faith. Do good to everyone and the works of the Lord Jesus Christ, in building up His Most Holy Church and His glory, shall shine for mankind to see. Then, they shall talk about the power of the Holy Spirit manifested in us, being the Children of God, His Covenant people. They shall want to be covered by Agape-love of God thru the Covenant of Agape. The power of Agape binds all of us together in unity. Peace, joy, prosperity, and triumphs shall be experienced in the Holy Nation. All shall adore and exalt His name. When that time comes, we shall proclaim the greatness of our Lord God, Jesus Christ, to all nations. The prophecy shall come to pass and The Lord shall reign. Our prayers are answered, “Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”

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