But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world. (Acts 1:8 CEV)
God is spirit. The spirit was manifested in the flesh. He was the Master who, by His teachings, saved the sinners. He died. He rose again. He was exalted in heaven. He now sits on His throne. He promised to send us His Spirit to comfort us and guide us. The spirit of Jesus Christ resides in us now as promised. If you are Christ’s, you have His Spirit. His spirit gives us the power and the courage to tell everyone about Him. That He is God who saved us because He loves us. As the Body of Christ – the Church, we have the mind, faith, and love of Christ. We, as His Disciples, must now unite in preaching the Gospel of Salvation to everyone, everywhere, and every time. Let us prove ourselves that we are true Christians.