Power Point No. 16

  • January 16, 2018

He rules by His might forever; His eyes keep watch on the nations; Let not the rebellious exalt themselves. (Psalms 66:7 NAS77)

God Ruleth in the Kingdom of men. He holds absolute power over all nations up to the ends of the earth. He rules from generation to generation, in all ages. The sovereign power that He has never fades. As people of God, we must have confidence in Him that He is able to deliver us today and tomorrow. We must be loyal to Him forever. Those who are proud and self-righteous, and do not recognize the supremacy of the Lord, shall be consumed by His wrath. Those who rebel against the rule of God like Satan, shall be destroyed for they cannot overcome the Almighty God. Let everyone fear God. He watches everything we do and has the power to reward or punish.

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