Power Point No. 114

  • April 24, 2018

You, LORD God, have done many wonderful things, and you have planned marvelous things for us. No one is like you! I would never be able to tell all you have done. (Psalms 40:5 CEV)

This is how we should adore our Lord God who showed us His wonderful love and kindness. We should admire how He planned to save us. From the start, He has decided for Himself to assume a human form, beautifully and perfectly declared by His Prophets, and through time, accomplished them to the very detail. It is just amazing how He sacrificed Himself for us. He let Himself be hanged on the cross in Calvary, dramatically received the sentence for our sins with two sinners beside Him. There He gave His last testament for us today, to guide us to perfection. He died but was resurrected after three days. How can we ever fully comprehend, describe, and declare His mighty works of love? Truly, words are not enough. The only thing we can do is worship Him in awe, live by His words, and proclaim Him so that everyone will see His grace of salvation. Then, they will also honor Him, serve Him in reverential fear, and worship Him in awe.

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