Every one of these depends on you to give them their food as they need it. (Psalms 104:27 NLT)
All creatures, great and small, look up to the Almighty God for their livelihood. They all depend on Him for their continuous existence. Men specially cannot live separately from God. Though they walk on the surface of the earth, in reality, they are already dead. Though they may exist physically and take their nourishment from food they eat, they are still dead because of their sins. It is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God. Thus, we must ask God for our daily bread to support and maintain our physical body AND to be with God and seek His blessing through His words to maintain our spiritual nourishment and life. Jesus is the Bread of Life coming down from heaven. As Jesus said, “my food is doing the will of the father”, let us not be hearers of the word but doers in order to live.