Let Us Pray No. 44

  • February 13, 2017

“Oh, that I might have my request, that God would grant me the thing that I long for!” Job 6:8

Abba, Heavenly Father. Today I meditate on Job’s life. He was perfect in his ways. With God’s permissive will, Satan tempted Job to test his faithfulness in God. All of his wealth went to ashes, his children died, and he was inflicted with boils from the tips of his toes to the top of his head. His sufferings seemed endless. Even his wife was used to tempt him to sin against God. He was hopeless. But then he knows that God is his redeemer.

Lord, thank you for the enlightenment and for the encouragement. We go through the same temptations. We also suffer in this life. They may not be the same and not as serious as Job’s circumstances. Even then, we suffer the loss of our resources. It hurt us most for the loss of our loved ones. We also suffer pain due to our sickness. Lord, we sometimes feel depressed, at a lost and hopeless at times. But then, Lord, we thank you for the all the blessings you have given us. The joy of life far outweighs the pains we suffer. We accept everything that you wanted us to go through.

Abba, Father, our confidence is in you. Please do not let our trust in you waiver. We know that you have a purpose in everything you do. Your will be done in our lives. In the end, we know that like Job, we shall be proven faithful and acceptable to you. Give us the strength, the love and the guidance in our walk today. This we pray in your precious name. Amen.

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