“In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:9-10
Abba, Heavenly Father, we, who you have chosen to be holy and predestined for adoption as your beloved children, begin this year in praise and thanksgiving. As we begin our journey this year, we look back at the blessings we received from you the past year. You have provided for our needs, saved us from death and most of all, you gave us the faith to overcome all of life’s challenges for us to continue to do our ministry and live peacefully and productively. We also look at the bright future which you have prepared for us this year. We have no doubt that we will experience your awesome love continually which will sustain us each day. For your kindness, Abba, Father, in all humility, we bow our heads, fall on our knees and lift our voices. We praise you and worship you. We magnify your holy name as it is done in heaven.
We pray, oh Lord, that lead us to safety, protect us from evil that we may live a life of holiness. May our pains give us wisdom to see your purpose and our tears be turned into laughers. May our joy be innumerable as the bright stars in the sky at night, and our blessings be like the multitude of sands of the seas. Abba, please give us the opportunities to serve you more each day in return. May we be able share the blessings we receive to others that they may thank you and praise you. Most of all, may we be the light that illuminate in the world that we may lead others to you. May we give freely and abundantly the love which are in our hearts that others may experience your love through us. In your name we pray. Amen.