Gold Dust No. 113

  • April 23, 2019

I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings. (1 Corinthians 9:23 ESV)

Brethren, we are commissioned to preach the gospel of reconciliation. Mission and ordination come together. We cannot preach if we are not given the authority to do so. Christ our Lord who has absolute authority sends us in the world to bring the good news of salvation. As members of this spiritual body, the Most Holy Church, we are duty bound to declare His Agape love. Because He wants to save all men, He sacrificed to the point of giving His life and His blood being shed on the cross. He gave us the same spirit of Agape, willing to sacrifice for the salvation of others. Thus, let us preach and be the light of the world to lead sinners to Christ. Do all good things to everyone that they may see your transforming faith. Be intentional to share your faith at all times. Aim to win a soul for Christ. Brethren, we are called from darkness to light to declare His glory to all men. Let us unite to preach the gospel to everyone.

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